Tuesday, 12 February 2008


A totally unimaginative title I know, but it's the best I could come up with. In keeping with the new policy here at the Puttydrome, I felt it was time to post some pics of something actually made of putty. As everything else I'm doing is still at the 'work in progress' stage, here I present, by the gracious permission of Lord S, a couple more of the viking figs I've done for Gripping Beast.

First up is the musician from the command pack, wearing a gambeson and repositioning his horn ready for battle (no comments, please).

This one represents a young, fresh-faced warrior twisting to parry an attacker. I know the feet are too small, I enlarged them after the pic was taken.

That's it for today. I could fill space by droning on endlessly about the minutae of my everyday life since my last post, but since even I can't find anything of worth to write about, it would definately bore everyone else. So I won't bother.

Something new and definately not Norse next time.

Til then, take it easy.



David said...

Love the greens. Looking forward to getting these when they are released.

WABit said...

They look very smart and will make a fine addition to my Norwegians. Think I'll phone Darren and see when they will be available.


Chris said...

Thanks for your support, guys. It's always nice to get some positive feedback.

Anonymous said...

Just caught up with the Puttydrome, good to see the great fire of Barry has been superceded. Thanks for the shout out, Zoe agrees with you and says that she is long suffering!

WABit said...


What have you got on the drawing board next?



Chris said...

I'm converting some Welsh cav into Norman Pueri for GB at the mo. Also starting on a little something I want to do for GB's new venture that no-one else seems to have touched...

WABit said...


Good news, about time they had some Pueri released :o)

The new project/s are looking good. no doubt there will be an investement from moi.



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